Call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch
Call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch

Infinity Ward has stated that they really wanted to make a new take on the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare formula, and to do so they put players in some relevant situations inspired by stories they have seen in headlines or from chats with real-life military combatants. "Ripped from the headlines" Call of Duty: Modern Warfare aims to bring authentic realism to its campaign by ripping stories right from the headlines. Infinity Ward deserves credit for their attempt to push the boundary of the video game medium, but there are likely to be some unintended consequences. This led the team to come up with more complex characters and highlight the emotional connection of the uncomfortable realities of war. In this world, one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. Their thesis is that war isn't black or white, but it's instead morally grey. Infinity Ward stressed at their E3 Judges Week presentation that they were aiming to make a COD campaign that encapsulated the complex world. "War isn't black and white" Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is trying to make a statement with the grey area of war, and it might not resonate with some players. Perhaps shipping without a story mode would have been fine, as the preview of the new game's campaign is undoubtedly going to rub some people the wrong way.

#Call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch how to

The team at Infinity Ward has spent some time figuring out how to reinvent the game's single player experience.

call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is coming back with a bang this year after Black Ops 4 shipped without a campaign.

Call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch